Are you interested in a career as a Skills Development Facilitator?

chart reflecting skills development

A Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) is an individual nominated by the organisation to serve as a liaison between the Seta and the company. This individual will be added as the contact person on the Fasset database and he/she will be provided with access to the Fasset online system which will enable them to monitor grant submissions and levies.

The Role of the SDF

The SDF’s role will require him or her to:

  • Assist the employer and employees to develop a Workplace Skills Plan which complies with the requirements of the Seta
  • Submit the Workplace Skills Plan to the relevant Seta
  • Advise the employer on the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan
  • Assist the employer to draft an Annual Training Report on the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan
  • Advise the employer on the quality assurance requirements set by the Seta
  • Act as a contact person between the employer and the sector Seta
  • Serve as a resource with regard to all aspects of skills development
  • Communicate Seta initiatives, grants and benefits to the employer
  • Communicate with branch offices, and all employees in the main office and branch offices, concerning events and grants being offered at the Seta
  • The employer must provide the Skills Development Facilitator with the resources, facilities and training necessary to perform the functions set out.

The SDF will receive all invitations to Fasset events and benefits, information about Fasset, grant reminders, quarterly newsletters and monthly electronic newsletters. Failure to pass or act on Fasset information, or refer information to the correct person/s in your organisation, may result in financial loss to your organisation. For example, invitations to FREE Fasset training events are open to all staff, not only to the SDF. More than one staff member may attend from each organisation and it is your obligation to ensure that employees within the company/ies you represent have an opportunity to attend these interventions.

Certain SDFs external to the organisation they represent, or working in a private SDF company may represent a number of employers, and thus have an even greater obligation to ensure that these employers utilize these Fasset benefits.

SDFs that do not perform their duties must be accountable to their employers. Fasset will not give leeway to employers claiming compensation or lenience in terms of grant deadlines missed, or information not passed on to them by their SDF.

Lastly, SDFs who have not furnished Fasset with email addresses and fax numbers are missing out on information and invitations that are sent to employers via means other than ‘snail mail’. Kindly contact the Fasset call centre on 086 101 0001 in order to update your details.

Secondary Skills Development Facilitator

The status of Secondary SDF has been introduced by Fasset to allow for more than one person to have access to the employer’s information on the Seta Management System (SMS). The Secondary SDF is someone appointed by the SDF of an organisation. An example is a finance manager, who works for an organisation, and requires view access to the grant and levy details. The role of the Secondary SDF is similar to that of the conventional (primary) SDF. Similar system privileges on the electronic Seta Management System (SMS) are allocated, except the Secondary SDF has view access to an organisation’s information.

How much can an SDF expect to earn?

According to PayScale, the median salary of an SDF, as collected from the National Salary Date is R154 429.00 per annum.

Community of Experts

i-Fundi will be hosting the next Community of Experts workshop which aims  to explore the challenges, internal strategies, management processes and technology solutions for companies to support SDF’s in streamlining skills development compliance. The Community of Experts Series addresses topics of common interest to practitioners of various professional communities. Facilitated by industry and subject matter experts, these events expose participants to new ideas as presented by a guest speaker and allow a forum for the participants to learn and share their experiences.

If you would like to participate in the upcoming CoE, rsvp with, or call us on 011 290 5900.

Programme Details

Date: Friday, 26 February

Time: 10h00 – 12h00

Venue: i-Fundi: 1st Floor, Regenesys Campus,

4 Pybus Road, Sandton

Cost: Free

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