
Leader As Coach

Being a leader is more than simply delegating and dictating. A successful leader is someone who leads from behind; someone who champions their workers from the ground up; someone who inspires more than just getting the job done. A true leader invests in their team members and helps them thrive. Accelerating the growth of your employees exponentially accelerates the growth of your business.

Join i-Fundi’s next Community of Experts which explores the concept of coaching, both personally and professionally. Coaching is a leading style which recognises the value in helping your people prosper. Our guest experts, Linda Aiyer and Aletta Raju, share their tips and tricks for achieving personal mastery as well as facilitating the mastery of others. This Leader as Coach workshop will help you become a spearhead for guiding yourself and your corporate team towards your maximum potential.


Programme Details

Date: 17 May 2019

Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM

Venue: i-Fundi, First Floor, Regenesys Campus, 4 Pybus Road, Sandton

Cost: Free


Speaker Profiles

Linda Aiyer has been coaching for 6 years, with clients such as Times Media, Transnet, Media 24, Accenture, Nampak, Stanlib, Barloworld and the Dutch Embassy. Linda has over 15 years of experience in the business environment, ranging from corporate strategy to finance and technology. Her time with people has shown her that true connection is at the heart of humanity; that what we need to find fulfilment is to be seen and heard by the world around us. Linda embraced the need for personal bonding and turned to the world of coaching – a way of leading that forefronts human connection as a tool for personal mastery.

Aletta Raju has been coaching for 7 years whilst completing her Diploma with the Coaching Centre, and has always emphasised that it takes both management and team evolution for a company to succeed. Aletta was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court in 1999 and although now she is non-practising, her knowledge and expertise on employee laws and relations is extensive. She has specialised in the labour law arena for close to two decades, and she attained a Masters in International Human Rights Law at the University of Galway in 2007.

Should you have any queries, please contact Sajila Sewnarain on 011 290 5900 or sajila@ifundi.co.za