Many executives feel overwhelmed by never ending compliance demands. Just when you thought you have come to terms with the current requirements of government, the goal post are shifted again.  No wonder many companies choose to do only what is necessary, no more. This workshop explores what companies can do to master the challenge and make the legislation work for themselves and the country.

This event seeks to answer:
  • How three pieces of legislation – Skills Development, Employment Equity and Broad Based Black Employment Equity – can be implemented in a way so that they support each other.
  • Why the problem of skills shortages remains largely unanswered even though the Skills Development Act was passed already 1997? Are we looking for solutions in the wrong places and stuck with a rearview mirror view of the future?
  • And if we are using skills development as one of the contributors towards achieving employment equity, why isn’t transformation happening more rapidly and why is there still so much unemployment and lack of entrepreneurship skills within the designated group of our society?
Join our ‘Community of Experts’ event to:
  • Explore how as HR business partners you can shape solutions to these challenges in 2013
  • Optimize the use of time, money and energy to get desired results in terms of compliance with legislation whilst achieving business objectives and making a profit.
The workshop is presented by Debbie Kennedy who has been consulting to HR business partners since 1998. She believes that if we could see opportunities for solutions, in spite of the obvious challenges, it would change the way we respond. Collectively we can make a meaningful difference and contribute towards our rainbow nation moving forward in terms of its biggest asset, our people.

Compliance 2013