
B-BBEE: Is Your Strategy Transactional or Transformational?

B-BBEE: Is Your Strategy Transactional or Transformational?

by Anusha Mariemuthu

Are you shifting paradigms, changing behaviour, and making valuable long-term strategic contributions to the economy or are you just transacting on your scorecard on an operational level to achieve the required points in your organisation?

Is your organisation a good corporate citizen who continuously contributes towards South Africa’s progress as a country, economically and socially through empowering communities, small businesses, individuals and creating jobs?

Companies must understand that economic transformation is a national economic priority, and that B-BBEE (Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment) is every South African corporates’ responsibility.

A company’s transformation initiatives at a high level needs to focus on the below broad areas

  • Ownership : Ensuring that equity are made available to black communities and assisting them access financing/ funding to fund their equity.
  • Skills Development : Empowerment through education and creating opportunities for previously disadvantaged employees and youth, through accelerated skills development programmes (learnerships, apprenticeships, internships, bursaries and employment opportunities).
  • Employment Equity: Employees must be afforded the opportunity to advance their knowledge, skills and abilities in order to be promoted. This process should be linked back to Talent Management and Succession Planning and not tokenism. Employment Equity and your employees should be viewed an integral element of a company’s overall transformation strategy for the removal of the economic legacies of structural inequality. 
  • Procurement : Procuring goods and services from South African black-owned enterprises, who are EME’s and QSEs while working with them to develop their businesses.
  • Responsible sourcing: According to the International Chamber of Commerce is “a voluntary commitment by companies to take into account social and environmental considerations when managing their relationships with suppliers”.
  • Small business Development and Communities : I​nvesting in communities, in black entrepreneurs and in projects that support small business growth and development thereby stimulating economic growth

So how do we start doing this?

Before you even begin this journey, chose a good change management model , like ADKAR to enable your business transformation to take place.

The first step is to establish a B-BBEE related Organisational Transformation Strategy, that is aligned to your business Strategy. Talk to business through their Profit and Loss (P and L) and show them how transformation makes good business sense.  Below is a high level view of how this journey in your business should look like. Create a road map for a  successful Transformation journey , by showing people how to make this transition as  a company together.

  • Shared Vision: Within your company, co-create and establish a Shared Vision for an organisational transformation related to B-BBEE.
  • Establish leadership over the process and ensure ownership, responsibility and accountability is in place so that your people can make this happen.
  • Knowledge  is powerful and an enabler: Create capacity in the Leadership and support functions by sharing information and ensuring that they acquire the required level of knowledge and skills to be able to implement the organisational transformation vision (Use Change management programmes, like ADKAR to achieve this).
  • Ensure Ownership is shared by key individuals in strategic positions across the business by ensuring that they have B-BBEE related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and that these individuals cascade responsibility into their respective areas in order to ensure accountability can be held.
  • Good Governance: Align all related operational governance which will empower and enable all related business managers to support the implement the organisational transformation process. Create an effective monitoring, measurement and reporting structure to ensure accurate visibility is achieved and maintained allowing for effective performance management over the process, show progress on the B-BBEE objectives and to manage the associated risk.
  • Ensure the transformed organisation is maintained through periodic assessments of the levels of compliance with the Compliance Framework and the progress of the company’s B-BBEE Score.

Lastly, keep your people informed (through townhalls, performance reviews, newsletters), get feedback and tell them how this journey is proceeding. This will keep them engaged and energised to make it a success.  Make B-BBEE Transformation part of your company DNA.

More importantly, keep the passion.

Anusha Mariemuthu is a passionate, seasoned Transformation and Human Resources professional with a myriad of experience that spans across all pillars of the scorecard. For more information on our B-BBEE consultancy services, contact us here.

Training From The Inside Out

The starting point for most corporate training is the need of the organization, which beyond any doubt is important. But ultimately, transformation is about winning over the hearts of each and every individual.

At i-Fundi, we start with the personal and progress to the professional. We help our learners discover how they hold the key to achieve their personal dreams. We not only discuss what to expect from the work, but show how they can link their personal aspirations with the goals of their employer.


Training  from the inside out


Employees work as members of teams. This requires that each person knows how to effectively interact and lead others with the necessary emotional intelligence. Our curricula, be it on the entry level, team leader, supervisory, or management level stress the development of interpersonal skills.

Our training also helps participants to understand their organization and business as a set of interconnected IIIIbn systems and processes, which are embedded in national and international contexts that influences a company strategy.


Transformation can be achieved through skills development

Under the new BBBEE codes, companies are required to commit 6% of payroll cost to skills development. This target is so high that every business will want to see real benefits from this spend.

New approaches and buy-in from leadership and line management are essential to push transformation through skills development.

Join us at our next free Community of Experts programme to share best practice with other companies on how to leverage the new codes to your own advantage. The event is organized as a panel discussion to allow for interaction and the exchange of ideas.

Our workshop discusses:  

How to:
  • Fund programmes even if your budget is limited
  • Make sure that your in-house programmes earn you maximum BBBEE points
  • Create a talent pipeline for your organisation
  • Use training as a change management tool
  • Achieve measurable performance improvement through skills development 


By attending this workshop you will be able to: 
  • Better meet the skills development expectation of the leaders in your business
  • Gain access to industry best practices
  • Find answers to your most pressing questions
  • Improve the ROI of your training initiatives
  • Ensure that your company has skilled people at the right time
  • Get the buy-in from your organization for your programmes 


Who should attend 

  • Transformation Managers
  • Training & Development Managers
  • Training Committee Members
  • Executives responsible for BBBEE
  • HR Managers
  • Finance Managers
  • Operational Managers



Date: Friday, 28 August

Time: 10h00 – 12h00

Place: Regenesys Campus, 4 Pybus Road, Sandton

Cape Town

Date: Tuesday, 8 September

Time: 10h00 – 12h00

Place: The Terrace, 16th Floor, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town

About i-Fundi

i-Fundi is a private Further Education and Training college, registered with Umalusi and the Services Seta. i-Fundi is a Level 1 Certified Contributor (135%) in terms of the BBBEE scorecard rating.

For more information on our accredited qualifications and short courses